Executive works
April n-1 Budget circular is sent by the Minister responsible for the budget
May n-1 Budget proposals are prepared by the departments/ministries
June n-1 Proposals are analysed by the Inspectorate. Contradictory meetings.
July n-1 Preparatory work for the Government Council on points to be decided.
Bilateral meetings are held with the respective departements/ministries.
September n-1 Draft Budget Act is finalised. Budget session of the Governement Council.
October n-1 Draft Budget Act is submitted to the Chamber of Deputies.
Legislative works
As from October n-1 Works in parliamentary commissions.
Opinions from advisory bodies are prepared simultaneously.
December n-1 Draft Budget Act for the year n and for the pluriannual financial planning is put to vote by the Chamber
(reference period: n-1 to n+3)