Audit of the operationnal programms (co)financed by the European Union

Listing of the operationnal programms (co)financed by the European Union regarding Luxembourg :

  • European Social Fund – ESF (Luxembourgish operational programme)
  • European Regional Development - ERDF (Luxembourgish operational programme)
  • CBC programmes: INTERREG V A Great Region,  INTERREG V B  NEW and INTERREG V C Europe
  • European Observation Network on Territorial Development and Cohesion - ESPON
  • Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund - AMIF (Luxembourgish operational programme)
  • Internal Security Fund (Police + Borders) - ISF (Luxembourgish operational programme)
  • European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development - URBACT III
  • Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived - FEAD

Also competent authority in Luxembourg for :

  • European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development - EAFRD
  • European Agricultural Guarantee Fund – EAGF


Detailed information on this topic is available in the French version of the site.



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